Yale Lodge has only one Tor Address:
yaleshopurdewuubyrmpnhyphkpjmgpurd54dso3s36xtlemrlrhvjad.onionand only one Web Address:
https://yale.gd other links are FAKE!
http://yaleshopurdewuubyrmpnhyphkpjmgpurd54dso3s36xtlemrlrhvjad.onionReserve WEB:
https://yale.gdWe strongly recommend using the Tor address for 3 reasons:
1. The store works much faster through the Tor and has an instant response.
2. It's safer and more anonymous.
3. The Tor domain never changes, always in priority, always stable and protected from attacks.
If the Tor domain does not work, only in this case we recommend using the Web.